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October 22, 2007
Monday Kisses
"If kissing was just two people touching lips, itwouldn't touch our hearts the way it does."
"He surprised me and leaned down to kiss me. As soon as we kissed, he slipped a ring on my finger and proposed!"
"Why do you want to marry me? So I can Kiss You Anytime I Want!"
(best kisses is a unique kissing photo website)
Ring-bearer Must Bear A Kiss by Starla Steward
(promoting the power of love one kiss at a time)
Lili Love - Salmon Days Festival, Issaquah, WA
(bestkisses.com is powered by the photos we receive from people like you)
Besame Mucho - Brooklyn, New York by Raymond
"Alyia gave me a real kiss today! It was so cute! Usually she just gives me her forehead to kiss."
Brian Kisses A Polar Bear by Brian Adler
Kiss Of Luv (on the river in Savannah, Georgia)
I Can Find Your Lips Even When My Eyes are Closed
Kissing After Dark Terri and Ray in Downtown, Seattle
(send us your best kisses)
A Kiss To Be Remembered
You can kiss me in the moonlightOn the rooftop under the skyYou can kiss me with the windows openWhile the rain comes pouring insidephoto by Starla Steward
Kisses From The Cooks Japanese Fall Festival - Bellevue, Washington
A Perfectly Timed Kiss - Wabasha, Minnesota by portergraph.com
Sweet Cheeks by spaindad.blogspot.com
Melting A Heart of Bronze - Terri in Victoria, British Columbia
Can we Take Him Home Mommy?
(send us your messages of love)
A Big Kiss
You Can Kiss Me Tonight
Kissing Can Be A Ball, To Some It's A Sport
Mommy's Kiss
First Love
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