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May 26, 2008
Monday Kisses
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a beautiful girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Hello Happiness! by Cristina
Lips Made To Be Together by Jennifer Holden
(best kisses is a unique kissing photo website)
Isn't She Lovely? by Erica
(promoting the power of love one kiss at a time)
Shadows by Jackie Donnelly
"Are you aware how difficult it is to kiss while swinging?"by Vana
Burt Kissing Me In Laguna by Lily June
Don't Kiss The Dog! He'll Poke Yur Eye Out! - by Khara Woodard
"I Can Never Give Away A Kiss Because The Person I Give It To Always Gives It Back." - by Candy Coehn
bestkisses.com is powered by the photos we receive from people like you)
"It does not get much sweeter than having your son surprise you early on Mommy's day!" - by Tom Vergona
When You Kiss Me, Without Uttering A Single Word, You Speak To My Soul - photo by Ann Trione
A Kiss Between Best Friends by Stefan Jansson
We Splitted by Isaac Quezada
Kiss Me And You Shall See Stars by Chrysal
(send us your best kisses)
I Want To Lose Myself In Your Kiss by Joanna Maciel
Cuddley Bunny Kisses by Jim Chapman
Nothing Breaks The Silence Like A Kiss by Marianne Williams
Kisses For The Mirror Princess by Clara Gomes
(send us your messages of love)
By Your Soft Kiss, I Vow An Endless Bliss - by Suzanne
Goodnight Kiss by Karen
The Long Kiss Goodbye by A. Casado
Amy And Marty Smooch by Marty Hergert
Kisses For Lexi by Amanda Davis
I Love You More Than Ever by Erica
We rely on word of mouth for people to discover Best Kisses. Help us promote the power of love by sharing this site with your family and friends.Top 10 Health Benefits of Kissing