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October 20, 2008
Monday Kisses
"There are millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one." - from the film Crazy Beautiful
Kissing In Trafalgar Square - London, England by Errol Djemal
Kissing The Sole Of An Angel ©2008 CourtneyPlatt.com
(best kisses is a unique kissing photo website)
Ye Olde Kissing Bridge by Kelsey Horner
(promoting the power of love one kiss at a time)
Real Daddy Kisses read their story photo by Shannon
Our First Kiss by Sarah Cropley
Snickers Giving Mommy A Big Kiss - Jamie Long
(send us your messages of love)
"The Longer The Waiting, The Sweeter The Kiss" - by Patty
Sweetest Kisses for Baby by Marcus Bradbury
Loving In The Shadows by Jennifer Kay
A "Flawless" Kiss by Mary Grace Guevarra
"I Glow When I'm Around Him - My hubby and me on a cruise for our one year Anniversary. He makes me so happy" - photo by Mary Ontiveros
Love Is In The Air by Jeanette Burton ©2008
Most Distinguished of Kisses! by Stephanie Hobbs
Kiss Me Benjy by Bill Wakefield
(bestkisses.com is powered by the photos we receive from you)
L... Is For The Way by Nicol and Jaime
Candid Camera Kisses photo by Valérie Baeriswyl ©2008
Jack and Patty's First Kiss photo by Sean Scarmack
Kiss From The Baby Elephant by Betsy Elstake
The Domino Effect of Kisses by Harmony
Kissing In Wonderland photo by Angelina Santana
Friends Forever by Lovely Miss N
Kiss Your Favorite Beatle! - 16 Magazine from 1965
When You Kiss Me Nothing Else Matters by Jen Collins
We're collecting kissing stories. Email us your photo along with the story behindyour kiss. If we like it, we'll post it. Email [email protected]
Top 10 Health Benefits of Kissing